Empowering cannabis workers for a brighter future.
Workers need a way to speak up for their shared interests, negotiate the terms of their employment, and, when necessary, have a system for resolving problems. Working people don’t always have the voice they need in the workplace or the tools to resolve these issues alone. That’s why unions matter. That’s where we come in.
“To be free, the workers must have choice. To have choice, they must retain in their own hands the right to determine under what conditions they will work.”
— Samuel Gompers
Contact CEED
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Email: ceed420@iujat.org
Phone: 866.719.8118
Complete a Union Enrollment Form Today!
Join the thousands of satisfied workers already represented by the International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades (IUJAT).
All calls to the Cannabis Engineers, Extractors, and Distributors (CEED) will remain confidential. Your right to join CEED is protected by federal law.